Monday night football! :o) So tonight is a night out with hubby at the Tilted Kilt watching some Vikings football and having some of the best onion rings I have ever had. I love beer batter dipped onion rings and they have killer garlic fries, too. Add a cold beer and viola----a great night!
Go Vikings!!! It is only preseason, but still fun.
Birthday card class is tomorrow night. Have you reserved your spot?
I'll share the highliights of the past weekend later. :o)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
One more for today...
My plan for today was simple. I had no plan.
I did get some laundry done and I sold a bedroom set that had been taking up room in my living space. Woohooo! Glad that is gone.
While I was in my office today straightening up I saw this wooden letter "K" sneaking out at me. I decided to finally do something with it. It has been sitting in my office for probably going on 2 years. I bought at the M store with a coupon and just didn't feel the need to ever get it done. But when the new color Rich Razzleberry was released from SU! I couldn't be happier. That is the color of my office walls and has been for several years. 'Bout time they caught The Razzleberry Lemonade DSP is my most favorite DSP in a long time. So I started punching 1 1/4" squares out and pieced them together on the "K". Then sanded the edges and added some ribbon. I still may add a swing tag, but this is how it looks for now.
Well, I'm out for the night. I have a hot date. :o) Laters!
Present for Daddy
I made a present for my Daddy yesterday. He probably won't see this, but just in case....."Dad, don't look!" :o)

He stated to me awhile back he just can't remember everyone's birthdays. I told him then, "No worries. I can fix that for you." So here is my solution for him. A card organizer. He can put cards in the pockets for each month and put the person's name on the coordinating date
We made these as a class last year or so. I will be holding another class for these probably in October or November. You'll pick your own Designer Series Paper to make you book more personalized. They make GREAT gifts. When the holidays fast approaching, I'll be having lots of gift related classes.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope Daddy likes his present.
He stated to me awhile back he just can't remember everyone's birthdays. I told him then, "No worries. I can fix that for you." So here is my solution for him. A card organizer. He can put cards in the pockets for each month and put the person's name on the coordinating date
We made these as a class last year or so. I will be holding another class for these probably in October or November. You'll pick your own Designer Series Paper to make you book more personalized. They make GREAT gifts. When the holidays fast approaching, I'll be having lots of gift related classes.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope Daddy likes his present.
FRIDAY, already?
Whew! What a kinda poopy week.
Monday, after I posted I got a email alert to let me know know my account was over drawn. WHAT!?! In a panic, I checked my bank account and sure enough it was. But not by my doing. Someone got into my Ebay/Paypal and made a "purchase" using my account. So nice of me to "let" them do that, huh? So I immediately started making phone calls to get this resolved. I called Paypal, my bank, Ebay, etc. Paypal had already flagged my account. The bank said the funds were already in the process of being returned but could take up to 5-10 business days. Int he meantime, I'm without funds. "So to be you!" That's sorta how I felt about it. Let me add here, this is the THIRD, yes 3rd time, this has happened to me in the past year. Unfortunately, I can tell you any advice on how to keep this from happening to you. I have Spyware protection. I'm ultra careful about what sites I log onto. I have other programs that "protect" me and my computer. And yet, it still happens. Thieves will take any means neccessary to get what they want. Period!
So......That is how my week started. From there, I tried to get back into the swing of things. I've been promoting my group. Working on some projects for upcoming classes and such. Here is a photo for the His & Hers Birthday Card Class I'm hosting this coming Tuesday night.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Can you help?
A friend of mine is very committed to some wonderful organizations out there. She has asked us, as her friends, to help spread the word. Here are some links for you to check out.
http://www.sugardoo index.php? option=com_ content&task=view&id=4995
http://rmhc. org/how-you- can-help/ volunteer/ 30-ways-in- 30-days/spread- the-word- by-sharing- your-story/
http://latenightsta mper-stampandscr ap.blogspot. com/
http://www.sugardoo index.php? option=com_ content&task=view&id=4995
http://rmhc. org/how-you- can-help/ volunteer/ 30-ways-in- 30-days/spread- the-word- by-sharing- your-story/
http://latenightsta mper-stampandscr ap.blogspot. com/
Monday....playing catch up!
I missed blogging over the weekend. Quite frankly, I was so busy that I just didn't take the time to sit with the computer. My email backed up and everything.
Friday, I was busy with last minute details for my Open House. I had to set up the place which meant I had to clean and such before hand. No biggie. I hung out with a few ladies after the event which was really nice. A shout out to Laurie, Surina, and my new friend Afton.
Saturday, I THOUGHT I was finally going to get a day to sleep in if only for an hour. BUZZZ! Survey says, NO! Brady had Lego Club and Chris had to work so that meant I was acting chauffeur for the day. I did have some other errands to do as well. I spent some of the afternoon with my good friend and downline, Mandi.
Friday, I was busy with last minute details for my Open House. I had to set up the place which meant I had to clean and such before hand. No biggie. I hung out with a few ladies after the event which was really nice. A shout out to Laurie, Surina, and my new friend Afton.
Saturday, I THOUGHT I was finally going to get a day to sleep in if only for an hour. BUZZZ! Survey says, NO! Brady had Lego Club and Chris had to work so that meant I was acting chauffeur for the day. I did have some other errands to do as well. I spent some of the afternoon with my good friend and downline, Mandi.
She came over and worked on her swap cards while I piddled with my recipe swaps. I was trying to do them, but just didn't have the mojo in me at the moment. But visiting with her and catching up was really nice. Here is a picture of the card she made. So pretty!
The kids and I met Chris out for dinner. It was a nice family night.
Sunday, I drove to Surprise. It is a little over an hour drive, but seeing my friend, Debbie, makes it totally worth it. Me and the younger kids attending church with her and her kids. The message was one meant for me that day. Exactly, what was on my mind this past week. After church, we headed back to Debbie's house. We had lunch and then Debbie and I worked on our Convention Albums while the kids played. Here is a picture of us with the album itself almost done.
Sunday, I drove to Surprise. It is a little over an hour drive, but seeing my friend, Debbie, makes it totally worth it. Me and the younger kids attending church with her and her kids. The message was one meant for me that day. Exactly, what was on my mind this past week. After church, we headed back to Debbie's house. We had lunch and then Debbie and I worked on our Convention Albums while the kids played. Here is a picture of us with the album itself almost done.
I put together her Big Shot and we used it for the first time. Dare I tell how long she has had it? hehehe Shout out to Debbie---thanks again for an awesome day of laughs.
So today, I'm playing catch up. I feverishly worked on finishing those recipe 6x6's for a swap I joined. I just have to add the recipe itself and they are done. :o) YEA! I read through 550+ emails. I still need to do updates for the swap I am hosting. There is laundry waiting to be done. And I'm sure my family would like to be fed tonight when they come home. They can be so demanding....clean clothes and food....GEEEZ! lol
I want to share the make & take card I did at my Open House this past Friday night. If you were unable to attend.....we missed you and hope you will join us next time. Be sure to check out my new group at
So today, I'm playing catch up. I feverishly worked on finishing those recipe 6x6's for a swap I joined. I just have to add the recipe itself and they are done. :o) YEA! I read through 550+ emails. I still need to do updates for the swap I am hosting. There is laundry waiting to be done. And I'm sure my family would like to be fed tonight when they come home. They can be so demanding....clean clothes and food....GEEEZ! lol
I want to share the make & take card I did at my Open House this past Friday night. If you were unable to attend.....we missed you and hope you will join us next time. Be sure to check out my new group at
Happy Monday, everyone!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
2 posts in 1 day! WOW!
Ok, I've a pretty productive day. I designed my card and cut all the card stock for my Make & Take for tomorrow night's Open House/Opportunity Night. It's pretty cute if I do say myself. hehe! I'll post a picture of it later with pics of the event.
I knew I would be busy today getting things together and so forth so I prepped dinner early. I love my crockpot! I haven't been to the store in ages so I had to use what I had on hand which ain't much. I had some porkchops in the freezer so I did a recipe search online and found one I could use. I am all about the simple, very few ingredients, quick and easy meals. This one called for 5 ingredients! And it was yummy!
6 pork chops, browned
1 onion
3 tbsp. ketchup
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Place all into crock pot and simmer about 4-5 hours. Serve with rice, noodles or potatoes.
I didn't have any ketchup. I know a house full of kids and no ketchup. Read back to the part I haven't been to the store in ages. lol Anyways, I used Chili Sauce. The meat was tender and flavorful. We will definitely be having this again sometime.
Have a great night!
I knew I would be busy today getting things together and so forth so I prepped dinner early. I love my crockpot! I haven't been to the store in ages so I had to use what I had on hand which ain't much. I had some porkchops in the freezer so I did a recipe search online and found one I could use. I am all about the simple, very few ingredients, quick and easy meals. This one called for 5 ingredients! And it was yummy!
6 pork chops, browned
1 onion
3 tbsp. ketchup
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Place all into crock pot and simmer about 4-5 hours. Serve with rice, noodles or potatoes.
I didn't have any ketchup. I know
Have a great night!
Thursday's dilema...
Hello, everyone!
So yesterday, I caved. I called my husband and said bring me my vehicle. It was just too hot to be bicycling around. UGH! First thing I did when I got my van back was head to the salon. I went to schedule an appointment, but since she was free, I went for it. My hair is short again and I have bangs! Wooohooo! And I think she did a good job. I haven't locked myself in the bedroom crying, so this is good. LOL
Got my display boards done for my Open House. Such pretty cards this year at convention for swaps. Wait until you see them displayed.
Today.....I'm at a loss. Truly, I have so much I should be doing, but all I want to do it PLAY with my stuff. I want to clean and organize, but just don't know where to begin. I think I'll work on some recipe swaps. They are due next week.
Before I run off, I'll leave you with a couple more pictures. I made these are recipe cards I made for a Stampin' Addicts swap at convention. The card I posted yesterday was one I did for a shoebox swap. Let me know what you think. :o) Picture quality is not the best...sorry.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Good morning.....
I am so not a morning person. And waking up at 5am with heartburn is never fun. Waking up at 5am is never fun all by itself...LOL. But I did it at convention. It was just "worth it" there. LOL've got some errands to do. Pretty much whatever I can do close to home. Hubby has my vehicle again so I'm on my bike.....that would be bicycle for anyone wondering. I still have not taken the motorcycle course. My "bike" is still sitting in the garage. Hubby can't ride his motorcycle right now because he hurt his knee somehow and the dr put him in a full leg brace yesterday. Joy! And he has late meeting tonight. I have the evening to do whatever I want....I don't have to cook dinner. Woohooo! More cleaning and organizing in my stamp area. Maybe one day, I'll get in there to actually stamp again. But for now, I must prepare for this Friday night's event, followed by my Saturday event. I want to stamp!
I'd like to attach some photos, but honestly...I don't know how!!! I told you I'm new to this and learning as I go. It will get better, I promise. I can't take this blah looking blog much longer. LOL
I figured out how to attach a photo...wooohoooo! Kudos for me. Hey, baby steps people. good and be good to each other. Until later.......
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Starting over
At least, that is how I feel these days with this business...Stampin' Up!
I returned from convention this past week with so much information and new ideas that I felt as if my brain was going into overload. My body and mind were thoroughly exhausted from everything I tried to compile in one short week.
So, now I'm back and I just don't even know where to begin. I compiled a list of contacts of the people I have met locally at events in the past year or so. I have set up a meeting place and working on organizing my event.
I would love for you to join me on Friday night, Aug 21st 6-9 pm for an Open House/Opportunity night. I will have display samples up and the new catalog. There will be a FREE make and take and door prizes. I want to share all the new specials that are going on right now with you.
Please join me at 1140 S Country Club in Mesa. (NEC Country Club and Southern). Please call me at 602-315-5091 or email me at I hope to see you there!
I returned from convention this past week with so much information and new ideas that I felt as if my brain was going into overload. My body and mind were thoroughly exhausted from everything I tried to compile in one short week.
So, now I'm back and I just don't even know where to begin. I compiled a list of contacts of the people I have met locally at events in the past year or so. I have set up a meeting place and working on organizing my event.
I would love for you to join me on Friday night, Aug 21st 6-9 pm for an Open House/Opportunity night. I will have display samples up and the new catalog. There will be a FREE make and take and door prizes. I want to share all the new specials that are going on right now with you.
Please join me at 1140 S Country Club in Mesa. (NEC Country Club and Southern). Please call me at 602-315-5091 or email me at I hope to see you there!
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